July 3, 2009

Oooh... Pretty Pretty Pretty

Everyone knows how much dread comes from an invitation to a Tupperware party. Do I go, it costs so much, it's my friend, yada yada yada. Well, this time around, it was all for me! My sister-in-law and new cousin decided to throw me a Tupperware bridal shower when we got back, so people donated to my cause as well as I earned all the hostess gifts for throwing the party. Wahoo! Free Tupperware! That's one thing I cannot complain about. So wanna see what I got? :D

What you see above:
(2) 1 liter rock-n'-serves
(1) microwaveable jug (I have a recipe for an 8-minute chocolate cake for it....)
(1) Happy Chopper (onions, you're goin down!)
(1) Quick Chef II with basket (oscar/sauce mixer/salad spinner with funnel)

Now, this doesn't seem like very much, but the retail worth in AU$ is approximately $235 give or take a tich. Now you might agree with me that free Tupperware is definitely great stuff!

Btw: I am addicted to creating new backgrounds and the like, so hope you enjoy as they get tested out! This was Blake's challenge, black-silver-white.


  1. Very nice! I'm always amazed at the cool things Tupperware makes.

  2. Well, I very much love the free tupperware thing. I sold it for a while just to get the stuff I needed. Doing Bridal Showers was always the best. Glad you got some great stuff.
