February 15, 2010

Commercially Enforced Celebration of Love

Not that I'm really complaining or anything though. :)  As V-day was on Sunday, and Matt is here, we didn't go too all out with the love shapes and what not, but we started the process.  I don't know of a much better way to start out either.  Check this out.
By the way, that card down at the bottom.... Yeah, back massage and a facial.  I think he was trying to get me over the whole, "You've had one and I haven't," idea.  No complaints. :)

He's not very picky himself, so I got him........ drum roll................

Krispy Kremes!  He loves them (as you can tell with one missing before I could even take a picture).  

I think we've done our part for making sure we've supported the commercial love.  Here's looking forward to the rest of the week and hopefully year worth of celebrating!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Jess. I really enjoy the pictures! Thanks!
