December 11, 2009

In Honor of the Season...

That season, not holiday season.... I cut my hair... again.  Yes, I know it wasn't too long ago I chopped it all off, but it was getting to that 'I can't do anything with this' stage.  Let's just say I really don't like that stage, so I either pull it up as much as possible, or chop it off again.  I'm far from a pro, especially on my own head, so it takes a good portion of my day to accomplish this feat.  However, after much drying, trimming, retrimming, washing, redrying, styling, and trimming again, here is my completed task.

Ta Da!

Now, I hate the pictures that look like 'here, I'm taking a picture of my hair front view' so I do apologize for that one.  What do you think?  Is it the perfect fit, or should I be waiting till it grows out and everything will be all better? ;)


  1. Ooo! I like it. It LOOKS professional, so you did a good job.

  2. Looks very cute on you.. It's hard to believe you can actually cut your own hair that short, looking in a mirror. I'm challenged that way...

  3. you should seriously consider doing hair for a living! the fact that you can do this on yourself...i can only imagine what kind of magic you can work on someone else! :) Love it!
