August 14, 2009

I Caved...

With both of my sisters having short, cute hair, and my sister-in-law just cutting hers as well, I've felt a little pressure to fit in. Okay, not really pressure, but I think they all look super cute and I missed my short hair. Getting headaches daily and having to always wear ponytails to keep my neck cool were also contributing factors. So, I gave in. I decided that I would do it. Here's where my hair was prior to the 'new do':

Yeah baby, check out that natural wave....
So, as you can see, it was getting quite long and to straighten it (not to mention just drying it) takes forever. I haven't had hair this long since I was in about kindergarten, and even then it was probably just because my head was small. I was pretty nervous because although it's a pain, I wanted to see how long my hair would grow. Thank goodness it never stops so I can keep trying and play with fun hair styles in the meanwhile.

I also was trying to stick to a close to natural color for my wedding. I didn't want my kids to look back and say... why do we have blonde hair, Mom? But now... my hubby's pretty partial to my hair being dark. He met me with dark hair and really likes it, so I decided to do that as well. Unfortunately they don't have the same hair dye as they do in the states. My hair pulls reds really easily, so I go straight for the ASH. Here, the best hope I had was Natural. :S It pulled red, but it's different enough that it will show no matter what as it grows out.

Now for the final unveiling.....

And the back...

As you may notice, there are no double mirrors, so this did take a while, but at least I used real hair cutting scissors this time! They were a little dull by the end though. :S

I think I look a little like Alice Cullen... Gives me an opportunity to be a little more spunky. :) It will take some getting used to, but my neck will be cool and so far, I'm headache free! No complaining about that. Oh, and the hubby likes it. That's always a plus. :)


  1. #1 I can't believe you cut your own are crazy, #2 it's ADORABLE! I love it, it looks so great. I've been debating a hair cut for a while, and your new cute do is not helping the long hair argument! Love the dark too, dark hair is the best (I'm not biased or anything ;)

  2. You are a brave soul to cut it yourself!! Looks very good.

  3. Wow! I got a little bit of shock to see it so dark. At first I thought it was black, but then the second picture makes it look more brown. I really like it!

    I also thought I was the only one who got headaches from ponytails... good to know I'm not alone! It's a serious downside to having long hair. Your post has now made me want to get rid of the headaches again. :)

  4. LOVE IT!!! I too am sick of headaches and ponytails!! I keep putting off getting my hair cut because I keep forgetting to call and make an appointment... but you did that yourself!!! Maybe I should be gutsy too. I think I'll pull out the scissors tomorrow...

  5. You're hair is cute! :) and I'm not just saying that cuz it looks like mine ha! :) just kidding...yours is way cuter! Mostly the girl that cut mine screwed it up really bad! ha! I love the dark hair on makes your eyes look so blue!
